Is local water safe? This was a question that 4th Grader Victoria Griess posed to answer for her Grace Christian Academy science fair project. The results may surprise you. On April 7th, Victoria explained to Faculty judges and students that she tested the chemical, mineral and pH levels of six local drinking fountains. Using litmus strips she was able to measure the Chlorine, Iron, p.H., and Copper levels of the drinking fountains at GCA, Albertson's, Hemmingway Park, the park by the City Pool, Von's, and Veterans Memorial Park. While she initially hypothesized that the City Pool Park drinking fountain may have higher concentrations of Chlorine, she found different using the scientific processes that she and other students learned in school. While she determined that all the drinking fountains were safe to drink, she also discovered some other interesting information from her experiments. While both Hemmingway Park and Alberston's have a lower p.H. level then the others, Albertson's also had traces of Iron, which wasn't present in any of her other test fountains. Ultimately, she concluded based on her experiments and measurements that the drinking fountain found at Von's was the safest to drink. This gives a fine example of how unique experiments can be conducted by young scientists and have real results that can tell us something about the world around us.
The Science Fair gave first time students the chance to experience what experimentation was all about. Many great experiments past through the basement of the Grace Community Church. Students answered such questions as, which batteries last the longest, which toilette paper biodegrades better, and even which mouth wash works the best. While many of the projects were excellent, Victoria Griess came out on top. She will be entering her project "Is the Local Water Safe?" in the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) district Science Fair on May 3, 2010, at Green Valley Christian School in Henderson.